
Thursday, February 17, 2011


"Let my Heart be Broken by the things that Break the Heart of God" - Bob Pierce Founder of World Vision

These thirteen words have been running through my mind all day, mumbled under my breath and behind every thought this statement remains constantly flowing. I've taken such great care in relieving myself of the things that would break the Heart of God. I can't think of a single person that I know personally that is Starving, Abused, Naked, or Homeless. I've chosen to stay as far away as possible. The intense pain of seeing, touching, smelling or Loving someone in this position is overwhelming, so great in fact that it almost horrifies my senses! I have tears welling up inside me now, thinking of how much Christ loves me how much his Father sacrificed for me but not just me... Those in Need, those who I've intentionally avoided. I feel like a pain-in-the-neck sinner, to Jesus who wants so desperately to feel my love through my love for others. My love for Christ has been so faint, so quiet, so shallow. I'm bursting at the seams with gratitude that he has not forsaken me but waited patiently for me to rise up by his strength alone to grab hold of something much greater than my four walls. I will love Christ by loving Others.

"Lord open my eyes to each thing that Breaks your heart and let my heart be broken into motion" ~Nicole

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

this is a beautiful post, nicole. you have a gift with words!

and that is my prayer as well!