
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Written two months ago on April 26th
Today is Tuesday, June 29th, 2011

It's raining outside and I have little time to scratch something down on screen, before story time with Bryce. It's about 7 in the evening and Chris is gone for the next couple of days, just me, a teen, an infant, busy five year old and two pets. It feels good to be surrounded by such nice company, Balto playing in the background and the rain tapping on the window. Quiet and peaceful, aside from a boy noise from Bryce every once and a while.

It's so strange how company changes over time, the ever evolving family. What is family? A brand new baby, to cue with, the passing of a loved one, the cycle of life. So many I've called family have come and gone. Cherishing those special moments with people that mean the most to you or care the most for you. Isn't this family? Isn't it those who you would do anything for, and not look back? I feel so blessed, beyond measure, I know without a doubt I have family... and lots of it. Not only have I been blessed with an earthly family that is much larger than most, but I have a Heavenly family, an Eternal family through Jesus Christ. It baffles me to think of my brothers and sisters across this little earth who call me family! I'm full on surrounded, full on loved, Christ's love that flows freely from His believers.

Family comes in all kinds of shapes, forms, sizes, colors, personalities, such a beautiful picture of God's unending creativity. I wouldn't trade in the wonderful people God has brought into my life for anything!

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