God Funds what He Favors
It was Monday evening the 21st and I went to a friends house to pick up a garage sale donation, what I didn't know was that it was more than it appeared. Inside the items was a check and a Ziploc of coins, totaling to $380 buckaroos. Overwhelmed and feeling a strong sense of honor and thanksgiving we thanked the Lord for providing. Tuesday the 22nd was our Anniversary and we were opening up our cards and notes from loved ones and inside was a check for $500 dollars. I cried a little just bubbling over with appreciation. It was such an all consuming feeling to know that we were gifted this cash to bring home our boys. I couldn't believe the timing, it couldn't be more perfect. Realizing that within two days God had provided $1000 dollars toward our adoption we couldn't help but rejoice. The next morning, Chris messaged me saying, "let's pray that God will bless our efforts today". We called each other and prayed for blessing on our efforts and that they would Glorify Him. Later that day Chris came home, with a funny/pleased/glossy look he says prepare to cry.
... I can't KEEP it from you ANY more!! Two weeks ago I realized that Chris and I needed $3000 bucks, I was shocked that I forgot. So on the night of Sunday the 20th I prayed that the Garage sale would bring in the money needed to host the boys. lol, I know far fetched but I had faith!!! God had other plans, He wanted to make sure that ALL the Glory would point to Him!
While telling me to prepare to cry he hands me a piece of paper with a note on it, as I open the note a check lay there with a number that really took me off guard and my breath escaped me. I trembled and tears welled up to say the least. God is SO good to show Himself in ways that touch our hearts and give us peace and motivation. It allows us to continue on this path that he is providing and leading. Sometimes I feel a little in the dark but then he shines a brilliant light on our path to show us that He is still leading us through the narrows.
Within three days God provided the full $3000 for hosting the boys! What an awe inspiring week it has been! He has shown us that in His perfect timing all will work to glorify him. This story is even bigger in the way it touched our hearts but for now I will leave you with Praise God! He is showing himself to us in SO many ways. I can't help but want to share his Goodness with everyone! What can I do but praise him for his love that is sufficient and satisfying. Nothing is more pleasing to my soul than to know I have a creator who cares and watches over me like the sparrows.
Then Jesus told them, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't doubt you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea', and it will happen. You can pray for anything and if you have faith, you will receive it. ~ Matthew 21:21-22
This verse speaks to me in SO many ways. When I was in the emergency room September of 2010 with unthinkable pain, all I could ask was, "PLEASE Lord, please don't take away the blessing of having a child". God answered my prayer! Dawson was born just 10 months later! WOW!
I hope this is ONLY encouraging and gives you hope and understanding that God answers and provides!
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