
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stairs are steeper than you think!

Expectations is such a big word with an even bigger meaning! I was taught by two sweet little girls so much about expectations. When you meet someone for the first time isn't it so true that we all have a preconceived idea of who they are, how they should act, or maybe what to expect of them. The first time I met these two little ones they were in the middle of their 4th and 6th year of life here on planet earth. What a bizarre place it must have been for them then. Being super cautious not to trip as they slowly walked up my two steps into my home I quickly assumed that they were timid to come in. A couple months went by and I soon learned differently. You see we were at Olive Garden one day, and as we were descending from the second floor of this restaurant I had the baby on my hip as I was holding hands with the four-year old and behind me was the six-year old, seemed like a reasonable set up. I was WRONG, as I glance back to check up on the older of the three I quickly braced myself for what I thought was going to end with us all in a heap. All I really saw were legs, she was literally somersaulting down the stairs and I grabbed hold of the rail with the hand holding my baby as I was able to stand my ground she came careening into my legs. Whew! I checked her over from head to toe and she was fine, luckly. I asked her hun what happened? She didn't respond but as we continued down the rest of the stairs I took notice to how both of these little ones were reacting to this flight of stairs and it dawned on me... this is one of their firsts. They had clearly not been exposed to a staircase very many times. I realized at that moment that my 14 month old was way ahead of them in this area and wondered what other expectations I had that were unrealistic. So many I'm all to sure, but I remember that day with delight because we made many trips to the park so they could both practice this important skill of transfering weight and balance. With a helping and always ready hand they became pros in no time. I was in such awe with the unwavering prescence of God's hand on their little lives. God taught me so much through their lives.


Anonymous said...

It seems like God really did teach you a lot through them. What a great opportunity to learn to think outside the norm. I'm sure you were also such a blessing to them!

Nicole Ashley said...

Thank you Jamie! I wish I could apply it more often in my everyday life :) Sometimes it's easy to think about stuff but not actually do the action.