
Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Milestone!

School Days

Sending Bryce off to Kindergarten was exciting and nerve racking, I had this deep desire to hold onto him tight! I didn't want to let go of the little guy he is to me. I'm expecting him to come home today a full grown man. We'll see.
His step into the unknown.

Home Sweet Home

My precious BRYCE, full of fire and spirit, enthusiasm and curiosity.
I love these silly faces and fun moments with you!
I love that all over the United States, children are taking pictures on their front steps, getting ready to walk away from the security of their home into the unknown of SCHOOL! Face book was filled with those wonderful faces, clean and excited. Brand new clothes and in Bryce's case a silly face to go with it. :) Thank You Grams, Auntie Jamie and Uncle Austin for the outfit! He picked it out of several to wear on his very first day of Kindergarten.

And he's OFF! No looking back, just confident and ready for the day ahead. Yesterday in the car, he looked so little in his big car seat, gazing out the window he says,
"tomorrow is a BIG day for me"
I teared up and couldn't help but smile.
He is growing UP!

Mrs. Webster seems like a wonderful woman and I know God's hand is on her heart.

Last night anxious about his day, I prepared his lunch, with all the yummy goodies and even a special note. We picked out his school clothes for his very first day and got his backpack all ready to go. I went to sleep feeling like it was Christmas,
excited and nervous mixed into one emotion.
So when morning came prayers were said and some tears were shed!! Kindergarten is like everyone says it's going to be, mommy tearing up and feeling overwhelmed with a since of achievement and loss all at once. The worst part was walking away and knowing that he's different, today will be the beginning of a new stage in his life and a whole new adventure. I have peace knowing God's watching over him right now.


Rebecca said...

aww...he looks so grown! handsome lil fella!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, that first send off is tough but also so awesome to see! I don't know if I'll ever get used to it!

Anonymous said...

This is exactly how I'm going to feel next week when Daisy has HER first day! You summed it up so well, I don't know if I need to blog about it. :0) Bryce looks SO grown up! You are a great mommy. XO