Spotted one
Son of a Noblemen.
What is Bryce... His name means a few things, despite my efforts I couldn't find many of the same answers. So sweet and precious has his life been to mine. Countless moments have passed, each special and forever kept in my heart. His soft pale porcelain skin has slightly changed over the five years of his young life. Across his nose small light brown specks have appeared. As if someone had lightly dusted him with glitter. Each little speck so cherished by me, I can't help but smooch his little face.
Bryce was wide eyed the day he was born so calm and curious "alert" no cry can I remember just awake and ready to take in the day. So new and fresh, I fell in love with his personality the moment I saw his wide eyes looking back at me. It seemed as though he was content within himself, an infant needing only to observe the new universe he arrived in.
Bryce's ambition is supernatural, (mommy eyes) he has a desire to construct and build. When I see the Lego creations he has worked hours on I know God has plans for his mind and heart. When we went to Disneyland the first thing he would do when on a ride, was to examine how it was operating and then when finding its mechanism then he would enjoy it to pieces, squealing with delight. I pray that Bryce's ambition is God's ambition.
Swift? Bryce is quick to learn and also loves being first, very competitive. He loves to race me up the stairs but my first thought wasn't what you would typically think of when thinking of the word swift. Swift (acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly) Like a swift current, Bryce has a swift mind, quick and ready to adjust. He swiftly can transition to the next task life brings his way. God has blessed me as a mommy with a child willing to accept that life has lemons so lets make lemonade. He is an inspiration to me.
He has a universe to explore and a time-line to do it in.